January 12, 2014

Love of Classics

I always had a love for Classic Books and have always described to A about how she has this whole Genre of books to read when she grows up.

When we were browsing the Juvenile Fiction section in the library we found these books. The Classic Starts series. They are an abridged version of the Classics written for young readers.

We checked out Alice in Wonderland, Black Beauty and Little Women. They have many more favorite titles like Sherlock Holmes, Oliver Twist , Gulliver Travels, Tom Sawyer and many many more. (About 46 of them)

A read Little Women today and was totally enthralled by it. The love of Classics has thus been passed on.


Shruthi said...

Hey so cool.... Little Women? I thought there are ages to go until the kid can appreciate books like those!

Madhu said...

Shruthi, these books are targeted for around 7-9 age range. Yes agreed stories like Little Women are for older girls, but when I read this version I realized they stick to the storyline but don't describe the emotions in detail.